What is a Cryo facial and what are the benefits?

The skin is the largest organ in the body. Hence, it requires special care. However, when the skin is subjected to daily environmental elements like pollution and UV exposure. Added to these are the effects of cosmetic products. These things can take a toll on the skin, leaving skin cells damaged and dull.

It is important to take special care of your skin. This is why we create these articles to help you easily understand all the ways to tend to your skin’s special needs.

Cryo facials seem to be the new skincare technique everyone’s talking about. This article will briefly run through everything you need to know about this process.

But first, an introduction;

What is Cryotherapy?

As a general term, cryotherapy is a whole-body process where (parts of) the body are exposed to subzero temperature. It means “cold therapy” and was first developed in Japan in the late 70s.

Initially, cold therapy was used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. However, it wasn’t long before its use spread.

Cryotherapy promotes both athletic and cosmetic health. It is a great way to promote the body’s natural anti-inflammatory response.

Here’s how;

When the body is exposed to a cold temperature, your mind assumes that you are freezing and goes into reaction mode. Subsequently, this triggers the natural healing mechanism of the body. This results in the expansion of capillaries and then causes white blood cells to protect you.

As this is happening, your brain also releases adrenaline, endorphins, and similar hormones to stimulate organs.

There are 2 main types of Cryo;

  • Whole-body Cryotherapy and
  • Localized cryotherapy

However, there is a kind of localized therapy called the cryotherapy facial. It is a fast, non-invasive, convenient, and highly effective facial solution.

What are Cryo Facials?

Cryo facials are a great way to accelerate collagen production- which naturally reduces as we grow older. Informally known as “frotox,” the process lowers the skin’s temperature by taking in cold air.

Furthermore, The effect of the cold causes the blood vessels to dilate after it is done. The process causes an increase in the flow of blood and oxygen. It has a lightening effect on the skin and helps it to look more vibrant.

Cryo facial is also a great way to facilitate cell rejuvenation and improve your immune system. This way, you can protect your skin while maintaining a youthful glow.

What is the process like?

A Cryo facial involves the pumping of vaporized nitrogen into the face, neck, and scalp. Initially, liquid nitrogen is pressured into a beam of vapor.

It starts with cleansing your face, steaming, and may include a gentle massage. For Cryo facials, it is best to remove all jewelry.

The process lasts for 10-15 minutes and is done with a machine-operated device pumping liquid nitrogen onto the face.

While this may sound like a dangerous process, it is highly safe. However, it should be done by a trained professional.

As soon as the nitrogen beam hits, it feels like you stuck your head in a freezer. However, that part of the process only lasts for about three minutes. Moreso, it is not unbearable cold.

After the nitrogen is applied, serum or moisturizer is applied to the treated area. That’s all about the process.

Then, the vapor boosts the microcirculation (the proper circulation of blood in the smallest blood vessels) around the face, neck, and scalp.

Benefits of Cryo Facial

1. Anti-Aging

Cryo facials are a great anti-aging technique. Collagen is necessary for youthful skin. However, as we get older, we produce less of it. Cryo facials promote collagen production, which keeps your skin firm and elastic.

2. Reduces pores and keeps the skin-tight

If this is what you seek, you need to consult your skin care specialist and confirm if it’s ideal for you. Larger pores make the skin more prone to contamination from bacteria.

3. Improved blood circulation

Blood circulation remains one of the chief cornerstones for great skin health. One of the primary effects of cryotherapy is to improve blood circulation.

4. Rejuvenate delicate skin around the eyes

When circulation is improved, there is less fluid retention and reduced puffiness. Want to get rid of puffiness and dark circles? A cryo facial may be just what you need.

5. Soothing for acne and skin blemishes

With its power to reduce skin inflammation, cryo facials are great for treating acne, eczema, rosacea, etc.

6. Improves overall skin health

Cryo facials improve blood circulation, and this makes the skin healthier. Furthermore, it helps the skin fight off bacteria and infections.

Rounding up

I recently began to pay close attention to everything around me, and I found it a highly rewarding exercise. It has helped me pay attention to the world around me. However, more importantly, I have come to appreciate the delicate and intricate details of the human body.

For instance, take the human skin; it is an interesting organ. Every day, your skin is subjected to environmental pollution, UV exposure, makeup, etc. Your skin is also affected by chemicals in food, water, and everything else we take in.

This is why it is essential to find effective ways to care for the largest organ in your body. You can count on us to support you with regular informative articles.

Thank you for sticking with us; it means more than you can imagine.